Hey Hey!

Everyone calls me liv!

I am BEYOND pumped that you are here! I am a photographer out of Central Indiana, but I love traveling around the world to capture love stories - this is what makes my heart overflowing with joy + giddiness. I am an absolute sucker for golden hour and the second someone asks me to travel with them - I have my 2 XL suitcases **overpacker over here** packed within minutes and on my way to the airport - only thing I need is a good ole' sweet tea to take with me on the plane! 

Words to Describe Me?!

Photographer + Instant Friend + Adventure Seeker

Laughter Enthusiast + Sweet Tea + Chocolate Addict

Enneagram 7: The Adventurer + Spontaneous Decision Maker

When I don’t have my camera in my hand…

…you can find me playing volleyball with my friends, planning my next vacation, pretending I don’t like The Bachelor (and then watching every episode), communicating with my besties through tik-toks and emojis, spending quality time with my husband and our little bubba, or trying to learn how to cook. To my core, I believe that overalls + white converse will never go out of style, you can never have too many friends, and pizza + soda dates are the best kind of dates. Aside from capturing my adventurous + wildly in love couples, photographing lifestyles + families are some of my biggest passions.

My ideal client is for those who love to be spontaneous, are always down for an adventure, and care about capturing candid moments between each other - expression>perfection. I serve those who care about the memories being made in the journey - Hey if you want to hike 11 miles uphill, I AM THERE FOR IT! Or if you prefer to drive to the top - you can count me in! I am all about enjoying the journey + making sure we have a great playlist for along the way! I feel the most joy knowing I captured your authentic emotions + the way you express yourselves. The focus should be on the feelings you are experiencing and I want you to be able to FEEL your emotions all over again when you look at your photos! If you’re loving what you’re hearing, I’m your girl - click on that link below + let's be besties!!

I am creating the life of my dreams - My husband and I are two love birds who enjoy making memories in epic places (like Iceland, Alaska, Hawaii - you name it!), constantly challenging each other to various board games, spending too much time gushing over our sweet little 2 year old boy, and keeping each other on our toes with spontaneous life decisions. I believe marriage is something sacred and something to hold so tightly, and documenting YOUR love story is something incredible that I want to give to you.

Few of my favorite things

Dream it

Few of my favorite things Dream it

Animals - specifcally ones that are furry!

Sweet Tea - Especially during the summer!

Camping + Hiking

National Parks - Zion is MY JAM!

Sports, specifically volleyball


Harry Potter-My favorite is Goblet of Fire!

Flowers - I love sunflowers

Can’t wait to be besties?!